I.Access to the ViaSyst platform- How to start with the database (from scratch) for CBs

1.Login to the platform

Instructions :

1- Browse www.viasyst.net

2- Enter the login codes you received (Username and password)

3- Click on “Log in”

Tips and recommendations:
  • Best browsers to use : Mozilla, Chrome, Opera: be sure to use the latest version
Mistakes to avoid :
  • After 5 wrong login attempts, your account is blocked. In this case, you have to contact ViaSyst Helpline to unblock your account.
  • For confidentiality and security reasons, never share your login and password with other users.
  • For security reasons also, never share your login and password.

2. Edit profile (Change password)

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to change your password, starting from the Homepage:

1- Click on “Edit profile” on the top right of the Homepage

2- In the field “Password”, enter a  new password

3- Re-enter your password in the field “Confirm password”

4- “Save”

You have now to use your new password to login.

Proceed as follows to change your profile language, starting from the Homepage:

1- Click on “Edit profile” on the top right of the Homepage

2- In the field “language”, scroll down the drop list

3- Select your preferred language

4- “Save”

Notes :
  • If the password is not changed after 6 months an automatic email with instructions will be sent to the user, you have just to follow the instructions described on the email.
  • Only the translated field labelling material (usually provided by the scheme owner if not part of the basic ISO vocabulary) is available in the selected language, i.e. some labelling might still be in English – but any translation proposal is welcome!
Tips and recommendations:
  • If you lose your password, you can reset password from the homepage
Mistakes to avoid :
  • After 5 wrong login attempts, your account is blocked. In this case, you have to contact ViaSyst Helpline to unblock your account.

3.Reset password

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to reset your password, starting from the login page:

1- Click on “Forgot password?” under the button “Log in”

2- Enter the Username or email address of the account for which you need to reset the password

3- Click on “Submit”. Password reset instructions are sent to the registered email address for this account.

4- Open the email and click on the available link or copy/paste it in your browser

5- Read the instructions and click on “Login”

6- Enter a new password in the fields “Password” and “Confirm password

7- “Save”

You have now access to your account and you have to use your new password for future connexions.

Notes :
  • The link sent in the email to reset password is a one-time login, so it can be used only once. It expires after one day and nothing will happen if it’s not used.
  • Password rules:
    • Password length must be at least 8 characters.
    • Password must contain at least 3 types of characters from the following character types: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, special characters.
    • Password must not contain the user’s username.
    • The same password must not be used 2 consecutive times
    • Password must contain at least 2 numeric characters.
    • Password must contain at least 1 uppercase character.
    • Password must contain at least 1 special character.
Tips and recommendations:
Mistakes to avoid :
  • After 5 wrong login attempts, your account is blocked. In this case, you have to contact ViaSyst Helpline to unblock your account.
  • Reset your password is not possible if your account is blocked by your site administrator

II.CB users

A. CB admin and reviewer users

1. Add and assign access rights for CB admin

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to add a CB admin and assign him access rights, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “CB users”

2- Click on “Add user”

3- In the field “Auditor” select “No” (No is ticked by default)

4- Enter the user first and last name

5- In the field “File(s)”, you have the possibility to upload any document related to the user (CV, witnessing report…)

     Notes :
  • Documents uploaded here are visible for CB admin and assigned auditor(s).

6- Save

7- Click on “Access Rights” button

8- Complete the fields username, email address, gender (if not done yet)

9- Tick the box “Notify the user for generating/updating her/his password” to give the possibility to the user to generate a password and login (could be done at a second stage)

10- Tick the box “Certification Body Admin”

11- Check the “Yes/No” boxes within the section “Additional rights” to assign additional rights to the user

12- Save

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
  • The CB Admin can create as much additional CB users (auditors, reviewers, CB admin) as necessary, according to its organisation, responsibilities and authorities
  • Upon creation, a user number will automatically be incremented (visible in the CB users list and in the user profile). This user number is not editable.
  • “Qualification folders” will not be accessible for non-auditor users (“yes” not activated for the user in the field “Auditor”)
  • When you tick the box “Notify the user for generating/updating her/his password”, the user will receive an email with instructions to generate or update his password and login.

2. Add and assign access rights for Reviewers

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to add a reviewer and assign him access rights, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “CB Users’

2- Click on “Add user”

3- In the field “Auditor” select “Yes” (No is ticked by default)

4- Enter the user first and last name

5- In the field “File(s)”, you have the possibility to upload any document related to the user (CV, witnessing report…)

     Notes :
  • Documents uploaded here are visible for CB admin and assigned auditor(s).

6- Save

7- Click on “Access Rights” button

8- Complete the fields username, email address, gender (if not done yet)

9- Tick the box “Notify the user for generating/updating her/his password” to give the possibility to the user to generate a password and login (could be done at a second stage)

10- The CB admin has two options to assign validation rights for the user:

  • Assigning overall validation rights for all the CB’s organisations through “Rights at CB level” section by ticking the box “Review”
  • Assigning “Review” rights organisation per organisation through “Rights at Organisation level” section by ticking the box “Review” only for the organisation to assign to the reviewer

Remark: If overall roles have been previously selected, and the CB decides to restrict the assignment to only few organisations to the reviewers, you have to first untick the overall access and then tick the organisations that you need to share with the Reviewer.

11- Check the “Yes/No” boxes within the section “Add/Edit organisation’s contacts” to assign additional rights to the auditor to add and edit organisation’s contacts

12- Use the section “Edit planning” to assign rights to edit / modify the dates, status and audit windows of the planning assigned to the auditor. These rights are in addition to the edit and/or review rights on the audits.

13- “Save”

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
  • The CB Admin can create as much additional CB reviewers as necessary
  • Upon creation, a user number will automatically be incremented (visible in the CB users list and in the user profile). This user number is not editable.
  • “Qualification folders” will not be accessible for non-auditor users (“yes” not activated for the user in the field “Auditor”)
  • When you tick the box “Notify the user for generating/updating her/his password”, the user will receive an email with instructions to generate or update his password and login.

B. Auditors

1. Add an Auditor

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to add an auditor, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “CB Users’

2- Click on “Add user”

3- In the field “Auditor” select “yes”

4- Enter the auditor’s first and last name

5- In the field “File(s)”, you have the possibility to upload any document related to the auditor (CV, witnessing report…)

     Notes :
  • Documents uploaded here are visible for CB admin and assigned auditor(s).

6- Save

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
  • The CB Admin can create as much additional CB users (auditors, reviewers, admin) as necessary, according to its organisation, responsibilities and authorities.
  • Upon creation, an auditor number will automatically incremented (visible in the CB users list and in the auditor profile). This user number is not editable.
  • “Qualification folders” will be accessible only for auditors (“yes” is selected for the user in the field “Auditor”).
  • For more information about “Qualification folders”, see: Manage auditor qualification folders
Tips and recommendations :
  • Only auditors with the status “active” will be visible and proposed in the “Audit team & auditees” page of the audit folder for assignment.

2. Assign Auditor’s access rights

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to assign auditor’s access rights, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on CB Users

2- Click on the User number of the concerned auditor

3- Click on “Access Rights” button

4- Complete the fields username, email address, gender (if not done yet)

5- Tick the box “Notify the user for generating/updating her/his password” to give the possibility to the user to generate a password and login (could be done at a second stage)

6- The CB admin has two options to assign auditors access rights:

  • Assigning overall roles for all the CB’s organisations by ticking the box “Edit” through “Rights at CB level” section.
  • Assigning roles organisation per organisation through “Rights at Organisation level” section by ticking “Edit” only for the organisations to make visible for the auditor

Remark: If overall roles have been previously selected, and the CB decides to restrict the assignment to only few organisations to the auditors, you have to first untick the overall roles and then tick the organisations that you need to share with the Auditor.

7- Check the “Yes/No” boxes within the section “Add/Edit organisation’s contacts” to assign additional rights to the auditor to add and edit organisation’s contacts

8- Use the section “Edit planning” to assign rights to edit / modify the dates, status and audit windows of the planning assigned to the auditor. These rights are in addition to the edit and/or review rights on the audits.

9- “Save”

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
  • Auditor rights are: adding, editing & managing audits (for organisations assigned)
  • When you tick the box “Notify the user for generating/updating her/his password”, the user will receive an email with instructions to generate or update his password and login.

3. Manage auditor qualification folders

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to manage auditor qualification folder, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “CB Users’

2- Click on the user number of the concerned auditor

3- Click on “Qualification folder”

4- Tick the standard for which you need to assign qualifications

5- Complete the “Qualification level” of the auditor (Auditor, Lead auditor, Witnessor…)

6- Complete the different fields such as Category, Qualifications dates…

7- Save

8- Click on “Validate” to validate the auditor qualifications and make it visible for the scheme owner. Only auditors with validated qualification will be visible for the Scheme Owner (if any)

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights.
  • Only auditors with validated qualification folders will be visible for the Scheme Owner.

4. Qualifications’ list

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to consult auditor’s qualifications’ list, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “CB Users’

2- Click on “Qualifications’ list” on the left menu

3- Use the search fields to find the information you are looking for

Notes :
  • Possibility to search by scope, standard, user number, user first name…)
  • Facilitate auditors assignment to audits by using the qualification list with filters possibilities

5. Inactivate / Delete an Auditor

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to inactivate an auditor, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “CB Users”

2- Select the concerned auditor (in case of a long list, use the search boxes on the top of the page)

3- Click on “Edit”

4- Tick the “inactive” box.

5- “Save”

Notes :
  • Inactivating the auditor will automatically block his/her access and move him/her away from the proposed auditors you can assign to organisations and audits.
  • Deleting an auditor is not possible with a CB Admin access. Only ViaSyst Admin can do it, on request. The only auditors that ViaSyst will delete are auditors without any audit assigned to their profiles. The reason is that deleting an auditor would corrupt and invalidate all audits and audit data in which the auditor has been involved, whereby these data shall remain exploitable.
Tips and recommendations :

Difference between the active and inactive status:

  • Active auditors can be assigned as auditor to new audits, but inactive auditors cannot
  • Auditors with both status are visible by the scheme owner upon CB validation.
  • Inactivating the auditor will automatically block his/her access and move him/her away from the proposed auditors you can assign to organisations and audits.

III. Organisations

1. Add an Organisation

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to create a new organisation, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations

2- Click on “Add organisation”

3- Enter the organisation details, such as: Obligatory fields marked with a red star as (Organisation name, Address, City, Country…)

4- In the section “Users level rights” Manage the rights to give to each user to this new organisation through the fields “Review” and “Edit”

5- Tick the standards to assign to this new organisation through the field “Standard(s)”

6- “Save”

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
  • If the invoicing address if the same as the organisation details, do not complete the “invoicing address” part. Data will be automatically retaken from “Organisation address”
  • If the invoicing address is different from the “Organisation address”, tick the box “Different from Organisation name and address” and complete the different fields in the section “Invoicing address”
  • For FAMI-QS CBs, the section “Invoicing address” is mandatory and should be precisely completed as the content of this part will be visible in the FAMI-QS public list.
    • If the invoicing address if the same as the organisation details, do not complete the “invoicing address” part. Data will be automatically retaken from “Organisation address”
    • If the invoicing address is different from the “Organisation address”, tick the box “Different from Organisation name and address” and complete the different fields in the section “Invoicing address”
Tips and recommendations :
  • Check whether organisation creation succeeded (green display bar), unless (red display bar with error message) remediate by clicking “Edit”
  • The standards selected in this page, will be automatically preselected in all the audits that you will create within this organisation
  • If you have a large number of organisations to create, ViaSyst can provide you an excel sheet framework which you can fill in with your data and hand over to ViaSyst for data importation in one batch
  • Click on the blue titles such as “Organisation address”, Invoicing address”… to open/close the different sections
Mistakes to avoid :
  • Enter all fields marked with a *, which are the obligatory fields requested for the audit report
  • Do not use specific characters like: “,; in the organisation name

2. Multisite organisation

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to generate a multisite organisation by adding subsites to an existing organisation, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”
2- Enter the organisation name in the filter
3- Click on “Apply”
4- Open the organisation to update
5- Click on “Edit”
6- In the section multisite organisation, enter the details for one site (Site number, Site name, Address…)
7- Click on “Add another site” to open a new section and enter the details for the second site (Site number, Site name, Address…) and proceed with adding all the sites
8- “Save”

Notes :
  • All the sites added in the organisation page, will be retaken in the generated report and certificates linked to this organisation
  • To remove a site from the multisite organisation, open the organisation in view mode and click on “Delete site” available for each site
Tips and recommendations:

The objective of this new feature is to simplify your work for the certificates that apply to a multisite organisation by allowing you to pool all the sub-sites and link them to:

  • an unique audit folder and report that covers all sub-sites
  • an unique certificate with the same content (scope, date, status) applicable for all sub-sites.

3. Edit / change an Organisation’s details

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to edit an organisation’s details, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter

3- Click on “Filter”

4- Open the organisation to update

5- Click on “Edit”

6- Enter / adapt the new organisation details

7- “Save”


4. Delete an Organisation

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to delete an organisation, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation’s name in the search field and click on “Filter” or select the requested organisation in organisations list

3- Open the organisation to delete (by clicking on its name)

4- Click on “Delete”

5- Write the word “Delete” to confirm

6- Click on “Delete”

Notes :
  • for step 5, if you are using another language than the English, write the word mentionned in the guidance proposed
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
  • Deleting an organisation will delete all offers and contracts, audits and certificates assigned to it

5. Create/Link/Edit an Organisation Contact

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to create an organisation contact, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation’s name in the search field

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Contacts” on the left-hand side menu

5- Click on “Add contact” on the top right

6- Enter the contact’s details

7- Tick the box “Notify the user for generating/updating her/his password” to give the possibility to the user to generate a password and login (could be done at a second stage)

8- “Save”

Proceed as follows to link existing user to an organisation, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation’s name in the search field

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Contacts” on the left-hand side menu

5- Click on (Un)link contact

6- Use the search fields to search for the corresponding contact to assign to this organisation

7- Tick the contact (or all the contacts to assign to this organisation if many)

8- “Save”

Proceed as follow to edit an organisation contact:

1- Reproduce the 4 first steps of creation of an organisation contact

2- Click on “Edit”

3- Edit corresponding fields

4- “Save”

Notes :
  • The platform allows to create as much contacts as necessary. The only limit is that each contact shall have a specific e-mail address.
  • It’s possible to assign the same contact to many organisations at the same time
  • The contacts having access to the organisation will be visible on the list as ticked
  • Only audit folders validated by reviewer or published by CB users are visible
Tips and recommendations:
  • The profile of the contacts organisation with no organisation linked to their profile will be automaticially blocked

6. Extract Organisation’s data

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to extract organisation’s data, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Click on “Extract” available under the filter fields

3- The Excel Extract will automatically be downloaded

4- Save the file as “Excel File” (drop list in excel)

Notes :
  • The option “Extract” is available for all CB users and for clients but the content of the extraction is restricted to the organisations that are assigned to them
  • The Extraction is a simple way to browse in a unique file the list of all the organisations generated by the Certification Body on the Database: displays one line per organisation which contains all the details of the organisation. In case of multisites, displays one line per site

IV. Planification

1. Plan next audits / audit programme

Instructions :

In this section, 2 different views are available:

  • Planned audits:  To visualize the planning gaps and to simplify the creation of audit plans. It shows, by organisation, the audit planning AFTER the date of the last audit (validated or not) entered in the platform.
  • Planning list: To see all the plannings in the past as well as in the future.

Proceed as follows to plan an audit (programme) for an organisation, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Planning”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on “Apply”

3- Click on “+” on the “Add” column from the right

4- Enter the Organisation Data, Audit Data and Auditor Data (all obligatory fields are marked with a red star)

Notes :
  • The auditors are displayed in two different lists: a) qualified and b) not qualified auditors, according to the standards and scopes that you selected in the planning
  • The “Qualified auditors” list within the planning module proposes only the auditors who are qualified (i.e. with validated qualification folders) for the selected standards and scopes

5- “Save”

Notes :
  • It is easier to identify your planning needs, i.e. organisations for which no audits are planned, and to generate pre-populated audit planning more quickly
  • A direct link to the qualification folders of the qualified auditors is available within the planning page.
Tips and recommendations:
  • Standards and scopes / categories are proposed as entered in the organisation profile, saving time and mitigating risks of errors
  • A warning is emitted if the selected auditor is already assigned to another planning at the same date (Availabilities warning are based on the planned Audit Dates and not on the Audit windows)
  • The warning message is visible in the planning page and a warning icon is displayed in the plannings list in case the auditor is assigned for the same dates

Proceed as follows to edit a planned audit:

1- Click on “Planning”

2- Click on “Planning list”

3- Use the search fields to find the planned audit to be edited

4- Click on the edit sign at the right to open it in edit mode

5- Edit corresponding fields

6- “Save”

Proceed as follows to delete a planned audit:

1- Click on “Planning”

2- Click on “Planning list”

3- Use the search fields to find the planned audit to delete

4- Click on the delete sign at the right

5- Confirm the suppression

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights.
  • This module allows planning the entire audit programme or cycle, as required by ISO 17021, by entering targeted dates that can be adjusted and confirmed as necessary
Tips and recommendations:
  • You can share the planning with the organization contacts by checking “« Audit planning » Published to contact organisation”

2. Consult planned audits / Modify audit windows dates and status (for auditors)


In this section, 2 different views are available:

  • Planned audits:  To visualize the planning gaps and to simplify the creation of audit plans. It shows, by organisation, the audit planning AFTER the date of the last audit (validated or not) entered in the platform.
  • Planning list: To see all the plannings in the past as well as in the future.

Proceed as follows to consult Planned audits list, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Planning”

2- Use the search fields to find the corresponding planned audit to consult

3- Open the planned audit to consult from the column “Planning”

Proceed as follows to consult Planning list, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Planning”

2- Select the page to consult “Planning list”

3- Use the search fields to find the corresponding planned audit to consult

4- Click on the open sign to open it

Proceed as follows to edit audit windows, dates and status, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Planning”

2- Click on “Planning list” from the left hand side menu

3- Use the search fields to find the corresponding planned audit to edit

4- Click on the edit sign at the right to open it in edit mode

5- Edit the corresponding fields from “Audit Data” section

6- “Save”

  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights.
  • An auditor can only see/edit the audits planned for him
  • Only the audit windows and/or audit date and status fields can be edited by the auditor, the other fields (name of the organization, standard, name of the auditors, publication for the organization contacts, etc.) cannot be modified by simple auditors.
  • Only auditors with granted rights are able to edit audit windows and/or audit date and status fields (Right are assigned from auditor profile)
Tips and recommendations:
  • By filtering by date, the auditor can have a global view of his planning over the time, and identify any potential conflict

3. Sharing planning data with organisation contacts


Proceed as follows to share planning data with organisation contacts, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on Planning

2- Click on “Planning list” in the left-hand side menu

3- Use the search fields to find the corresponding planning data to share

4- Click on the edit sign from the right

5- In the Publication section, tick the box “« Audit planning » Published to contact organisation”

6- “Save”

  • The objective of this option, is to simplify exchanges with organisation contacts regarding audit dates, audit program, and audit cycle.
Tips and recommendations:
  • You can selectively share information with organisation contacts for announced audits, for example, but of course, choose not to share information related to unannounced audits.

V. Audits

1. Add a new Audit

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to enter data of a new audit report, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on “Filter”

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- Click on “Add audit”

6- Choose “New audit” in the drop list

7- Click on “Create”

8- Assign the applicable standards

9- Browse the menus on the left-hand side and enter the corresponding data by editing/saving each page

10- Validate the audit. For more information about validation, see section Validate / unlock an audit report

Notes :
Tips and recommendations :

The ViaSyst platform allows to retake some stable data from one audit report to the next one. This allows a lot of time saving by editing audit reports.

1- Reproduce all the 5 first steps of creating a new audit

2- Choose the “Name of previous audit” from which you need to retake data

3- Click on “Create”

Note: If there is already an audit report for the organisation on the database, you will preferably choose the last audit in the drop list. This brings advantage that all available and potentially stable data will be taken over from the last report – so that you spare a lot of time for entering the new report, by just checking existing data and updating as necessary.

Audit name recommendation:

  • Specify the audit type (e.g. certification stage 2 or surveillance, recertification)
  • Add the audit date yyyy/mm/dd
  • Example: Certification audit stage 2 2012/04/17

2. Step by step “Publication” of the audit folder

Instructions :

The ViaSyst audit reporting platform

  • is interactive with the audited/certified organisation, allowing them editing the CAPA and reading all other parts of the audit folder/report,
  • allows to structure and track your exchanges with the audited organisation throughout the entire audit process, i.e. already prior the audit for audit preparation and audit plan.

Thus, it is necessary that the organisation’s contact accesses to the various parts of the audit folder can be managed selectively and progressively.

Proceed as follows to publish selected parts of the audit folder for the contact organisation, starting from the main left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on apply

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits”

5- Open the corresponding audit report

6- Click on “Edit”

7- In the menu “Publication”, select the applicable option, to make the corresponding section of the audit folder visible for the organisation’s contact(s)

8- Save

Notes :
  • As long as the audit has not been validated by the CB reviewer, only the ticked sections of the audit folder will be accessible for the contact organisation. The access to all other pages will be denied.
  • All selections will be ticked automatically (i.e. all audit folder sections will be visible for the contact organisation) upon audit report reviewer validation.
Tips and recommendations :
  • During the audit preparation, the option “Publish « Message box »” allows either the back office or the auditor to communicate and share documents with the contact organisation, e.g. documents requested from the client (management review, internal audit, …) or documents sent to the client (audit plan). NOTE: The « Message box » is visible only for the contact organisation and the assigned CB users, not for the scheme owner.
  • During audit closure or in the next days after it, the option “Publish « Audit findings »” allows the auditor to share specifically the audit findings (and not the rest of the draft report) with the contact organisation in order to validate and agree the raised findings.

3. Draft an audit plan

Proceed as follows to draft, generate and share and audit plan, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations

2- Enter the organisation’s name in the filter fields and click on apply

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- Open the audit for which you will generate an audit plan

6- Click on “Audit plan” in the left-hand side menu

7- Click on “Add audit step”

8- Enter the audit step details, i.e.: Date, Start and End Time, Process/Department, Auditors, Auditees, Standard requirements (all mandatory fields are marked with a red star)

9- “Save”

Proceed as follows to edit an audit step:

1- Open the audit for which you will edit an audit step

2- Click on “Audit plan” in the left-hand side menu

3- Click on the edit sign at the right to open the audit step in edit mode

4- Edit the corresponding fields

5- “Save”

Proceed as follows to delete an audit step:

1- Open the audit for which you will delete an audit step

2- Click on “Audit plan” in the left-hand side menu

3- Click on the delete at the right

4- Confirm deleting

Proceed as follows to update the text proposed by default in the explanatory fields:

  1. Click on “Edit” on the top of the audit plan
  2. Modify the proposed text as necessary
  3. “Save”

Proceed as follows to print the audit plan:

  1. Click on “Print” on the top of the audit plan page

The audit plan will automatically be generated as a pdf which you can share or print

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see:  Roles and access rights
  • It is possible to link each finding to an organisation’s Process/ Department. For more information see: Add Audit findings

4. Enter Audit Data & Findings through the Check-List

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to enter data in check-list, starting from the main left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on “Filter”

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- Open the corresponding audit report

6- Click on “Check list”

7- As applicable, for each clause assign a grading (OK, non-audited, non-applicable, Finding) from the droplist, attach a document and edit objective evidence


  • The edition of the check-list on the platform will automatically increment the audit findings in the “Audit findings” page and vice versa.
  • If “Finding” is selected in the drop list, you have to assign a grading

8- Save: It is possible to save finding by finding by clicking on the cross under each clause, or you can complete all the clauses and save all together by clicking on “Save” on the bottom of the page

If you need a PDF version:

1- Click on “Reports”

2- Click on “GENERATE CL”

3- From the list, tick the standard for which you need to extract a PDF check-list

4- The PDF check-list will automatically be downloaded

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
  • The “OK” grading is assigned by default to all the clauses against which no non-conformity has been raised.
  • The CL is frozen/validated upon the validation of the audit folder. To edit the CL, you need to first unlock the audit report (do not forget to re-validate after edition)
Tips and recommendations :
      • The check-list tool is supporting and simplifying the auditor’s job as follows:
      1. before the audit: helps the auditors planning the audit, consigns notes and presumptions arising from the preliminary document review, acts as a sampling plan and time manager, and ensures a consistent audit approach
      2. during the audit: serves as a note taking tool and a memory aid ensuring that the audit is conducted in a systematic, harmonized and comprehensive manner, and adequate evidence is collected;
      3. after the audit: gives an overview about the organisation’s management system performance and compliance in a single view;
      4. by reporting: the edition of the check-list on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform automatically increments the audit findings in the “Audit findings” page.
Mistakes to avoid:
  • Forget saving your work!

5. Add Audit findings

a. Add Audit findings by CB user

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to add audit findings, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on “Filter”

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- Open the audit report

6- Click on “Audit findings” on the left-hand side menu

7- Click on “Add finding”

8- Assign your finding to the corresponding clause of the standard and grade it

9- “Save”

10- Edit the finding to complete it

11- Enter the corresponding fields (such as the Process / Department)

12- “Save”

b. Enter implemented corrective actions by Organisation Contact

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to complete corrective actions, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “My organisation”

2- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

3- Open the audit report

4- Click on “Audit findings” on the left-hand side menu

5- Click on “See finding”

6- Click on “Edit” and complete the corresponding fields

7- “Save”

Notes :
  • Files may be uploaded to prove the non-conformity completion. Any kind of file may be uploaded, e.g. records, pictures.
  • Once created, the findings will be classified by:
    • First process or department if there is a department linked to the finding (alphabetic order) (process is retaken for “Audit plan” section)
    • Second, (and for the findings which are not linked to the processes) by grading (major first, minor second, observation last)
    • Third, by standard in alphabetical order (for combined audits)
    • Forth, according to the order number of the clause

6. Establish a maturity profile

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to establish a maturity profile, starting from the main left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on apply

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- Open the corresponding audit report

6- Click on “Check list”

7- Select the standard for which the maturity profile shall be established

8- For each line, select “Scoring” from the droplist

9- As applicable, for each new entry select a scoring from the second droplist

10- “Save”

Notes :
  • Adding a scoring on the platform will not increment a finding in the “Audit findings” page, just recording the affected score. It is the difference between assigning a finding and scoring.
  • Upon report validation, the maturity profile is frozen/validated.
  • The signification of a scoring is accessible when you click on the item title.

7. Edit an Audit report

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to edit an audit, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on “Filter”

3- Open the requested organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- In the appeared audit list select one to edit it

6- Click on “Edit”

7-  Update the audit title, lead auditor, publication to the client…

8- “Save”

9- Browse the menus on the left hand side and edit the corresponding data by editing/saving each page”

10- “Save”

Notes :

8. Internal communication between assigned CB users

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to communicate or share documents within CB users assigned to an organisation, starting from the left-hand side menu:

1- Click on “Organiations

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on apply

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- Open the audit concerned by the communication or the documents to send

6- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

7- Open the audit report, section “Audit folder”

8- Enter the message to send in the “Comment” section

9- Attach a file if needed

10- Notify the right persons in the section “Notify to”

11- “Save”

Notes :
      • In the section “Notify to”, only the CB admin users or the users who are assigned to the organisation (Edit rights or Review rights) are proposed
      • Access to documents and comments entered or uploaded here is strictly limited to the concerned assigned CB users: administrator, reviewer and auditor. The audited organisation does not have access to this information.
      • The following roles are ticked by default: reviewer, lead auditor, auditor.
Tips and recommendations :
      • Use this “Comment” section to communication or share documents with the team and guaranty exchange historization.

9. Validate / unlock an Audit report by a Lead Auditor (Validation by the Lead Auditor)

a. Assign a Lead Auditor to an Audit

Instructions :

To assign a Lead auditor to the audit, open the audit folder and proceed as follows:

1- Click on “Edit”

2- Assign a Lead auditor in the field “Lead auditor”

3- “Save”

If the user name does not appear in the “Lead auditor” field list, you have to assign him as the Lead auditor of this audit/organisation.

To assign a user as a Lead auditor, you have 2 possibilities:

A- From Auditor profile

4- Click on “Auditors” on the left menu

5- Select the user to assign as a Lead auditor by clicking on his auditor number

6- Click on “Access rights”

7- Click on “Edit”

Now, you can either choose to assign a user as an auditor for all the organisations (Edit/Write) and tick the box “1”, or, Assign an auditor per organisation and tick the box of the organisation this user will be responsible for.

8- “Save”

B- From organisation profile:

6- Click on “Organisations” on the left menu

7- Select the organisation you need to validate an audit for

8- Click “Edit”

9- Now you can assign the auditor for this organisation by assigning him “Edit/Write” rights”

10- “Save”

Notes :

b. Validate the Audit report (Validation by the Lead Auditor)

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to validate an audit report, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Audits”

2- Select the corresponding audit

3- Open the audit folder

4- Click on “Validation by the Lead Auditor”

5- Complete the eventual missing obligatory fields listed in the displayed error box by clicking on the links

6- If applicable, click again on “Validation by the Lead Auditor” once completed

7- “Save”

Notes :
  • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
  • If any required field for the applicable report format is missing, a red bar will appear, with links to complete the corresponding fields.
  • To unlock an audit report, see instructions Unlock the audit report

c. Unlock the Audit report

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to unlock an audit report, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Audits”

2- Select the corresponding audit

3- Open the audit folder

4- Click on “Unlock lead auditor validation”

Notes :
      • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
      • If you need to re-edit your report, click on “Unlock lead auditor validation”, edit the audit and click again on “Validation by the lead auditor”.
      • If you need to re-edit your report, and the audit report is validated by the reviewer, the reviewer should first unlock the audit report, then you can edit the audit and click again on “Validation by the lead auditor”.
      • All actions related to validation of the audit report are listed in the “Status history” in the audit folder
      • Once unlocked, the status of the audit report is “Unlocked by lead auditor”
      • Once unlocked, the report is no more shared with your contact organisation

10. Validate / Unlock an Audit report by a Reviewer (Reviewer Validation)

a. Assign a user as a Reviewer:

Instructions :

To assign a user as a Reviewer you have 2 possibilities:

A- From Auditor profile

1- Click on “Auditors” on the left menu

2- Select the user to assign as a Reviewer by clicking on his auditor number

3- Click on “Access rights”

4- Click on “Edit”

Now, you can either choose to assign a user as a Reviewer for all the organisations (CB Reviewer) and tick the box “1”, or, Assign a Reviewer per organisation and tick the box of the organisation this user will be responsible for.

5- “Save”

B- From organisation profile

1- Click on “Organisations” on the left menu

2- Select the organisation you need to validate an audit for

3- Click “Edit”

4- Now you can assign the Reviewer for this organisation

5- “Save”

Notes :

b. Validate the Audit report:

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to validate an audit report, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Audits”

2- Select the corresponding audit to validate

3- Open the audit folder

4- Click on “Reviewer validation”

5- Complete the eventual missing obligatory fields listed in the appeared error box by Clicking on the links

6- If applicable, click again on “Reviewer validation” once completed

7- “Save”

Notes :
      • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
      • If any required field for the applicable report format is missing, a red bar will appear, with links to complete the corresponding fields.
      • The validation is necessary in order to check and confirm the submitted data are correct
      • The CB Reviewer function (and person) is not obligatorily the same as the person designated within the CB’s organisation for meeting certification decision

c. Unlock the Audit report

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to unlock an audit report, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Audits”

2- Select the corresponding audit

3- Open the audit folder

4- Click on “Unlock”

Notes :
      • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
      • If you need to re-edit your report, click on “Unlock”, edit the audit and click again on “Reviewer validation”.
      • All actions related to validation of the audit report are listed in the “Status history” in the audit folder
      • Once unlocked, the status of the audit report is “Unlocked by reviewer”
      • Once unlocked, the report is no more shared with your contact organisation

11. Delete an Audit

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to delete an audit, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on Organisations

2- Enter the organisation name in the search field and click on “Filter”

3- Open the organisation (by clicking on its name)

4- Click on “Audits” on the left-hand side menu

5- Click on the name of the audit to delete

6- Click on “Delete”

7- Confirm

Notes :

12. Generate online Audit Report

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to generate an audit report, starting from the left-hand side menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the search field and click on “Filter”

3- Open the organisation (by clicking on its name)

4- Click on “Audits” on the left-hand side menu

5- Click on the name of the audit

6- Click on “Reports” on the left-hand side menu

7- Click on “Generate Report”

8- The complete audit report is generated and displayed in a single page

9- If you need a PDF version, click on “Print”

10- The PDF report will automatically be downloaded

Notes :
  • An audit report is a forzen picture at the time it is generated of:
    • the entered data, and
    • the status of the validation process progress
  • This means that ulterior changes within the audit data or validation process will not be updated in the generated audit report.
  • In order to keep track of the validation history, you can generate a version of the audit report at each step of the data entry process. Each version will be displayed and saved (with the generation date) in a list accessible directly when you click on the page “Reports” of the audit
  • Each user having edit rights on the organisation (CB admin, Reviewer, auditor) can generate audit reports
  • In the section “Audit findings”, the findings are classified by:
    • First process or department if there is a department linked to the finding (alphabetic order) (process is retaken for “Audit plan” section)
    • Second, (and for the findings which are not linked to the processes) by grading (major first, minor second, observation last)
    • Third, by standard in alphabetical order (for combined audits)
    • Forth, according to the order number of the clause

13. Generate online Finding Report

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to generate a finding report, starting from the left-hand side menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the search field and click on “Filter”

3- Open the organisation (by clicking on its name)

4- Click on “Audits” on the left-hand side menu

5- Click on the name of the audit

6- Click on “Reports” on the left-hand side menu

7- Click on “Generate Finding Report”

8- The complete finding report is generated and displayed in a single page

9- If you need a PDF version, click on “Print”

10- The PDF report will automatically be downloaded

Notes :
      • An finding report is a forzen picture at the time it is generated of:
        • the entered data, and
        • the status of the validation process progress
      • This means that ulterior changes within the finding data or validation process will not be updated in the generated finding report.
      • In order to keep track of the validation history, you can generate a version of the finding report at each step of the data entry process. Each version will be displayed and saved (with the generation date) in a list accessible directly when you click on the page “Reports” of the audit
      • Each user having edit rights on the organisation (CB admin, Reviewer, auditor) can generate audit reports
      • Once generated, the finding report will be available for the client to consult and print.

14. Communicate with the Organisation’s contact through the “Message box” section

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to communicate or share documents with the organisation’s contact, starting from the left-hand side menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation’s name in the filter fields and click on apply

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- Open the audit concerned by the communication or the documents to send

6- Click on “Message box” on the left-hand side menu

7- Enter the message to send in the “Comment” section

8- Attach a file if needed

9- Notify the right persons in the section “Notify to”

10- “Save”

Notes :
      • In the section “Notify to”, the user identified in “Team” is the lead auditor (ticked by defaut) and the user listed under “Read / Write” are the auditors.
Tips and recommendations :
      • You can use this “Message box” section to share documents with the organisation’s contact

15. Extract Audit’s data

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to extract audit’s data, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Audits”

2- Click on “Extract” available under the filter fields

3- The Excel Extract will automatically be downloaded

4- Save the file as “Excel File” (drop list in excel)

Notes :
      • The option “Extract” is available for all CB users but the content of the extraction is restricted to the organisations that are assigned to them
      • The Extraction is a simple way to browse in a unique file the list of all the audits generated by the Certification Body on the Database: displays one line per audit which contains information such as scopes, status of the audit, last audit day…

VI. Certificates

1. Add a certificate

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to add a certificate, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on “Filter”

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- Identify and click on the corresponding audit to open it

6- Click on “Certificates” in the left-hand side menu (bottom)

7- Click on “Add certificate”

8- Select the applicable standard(s) or scheme(s)

9- Complete all the fields (for the scope statement and category see notes below)

10- “Save”

Notes :

Note 1:

      • Scope statement is proposed from the data entered in the audit report. It can be adapted, but it is better to change it in the audit report, so that it is already updated for the future audit report (“stable” fields are taken over from a previous audit report to the next one) and so the future certificate.
      • Certificate address: the address appearing on the certificates is prefilled from the organisation profile. So, if the organisation’s address changes, it’s important to edit the organisation profile to adapt it to have the right address appearing on future certificates.

Note 2:

How to interpret the various possible certificate status and make sure using the correct one?

      • Valid; An active certificate. The organisation is certified and meets the requirements.
      • Suspended. The organisation does not meet the certification requirements. The CB has decided that the certificate is temporarily invalid (Sanction). The organisation has an imparted time frame to meet the certification requirements. If the requirements are not met within the imparted time frame the certificate is withdrawn.
      • Withdrawn: The organisation does not met the certification requirements. The CB has decided to withdraw the certificate. The certificate is invalid (Sanction).
      • Cancelled: The certified organisation has voluntary decided to terminate the certificate. The certificate is invalid but this is not the result of a sanction.
      • Transferred: The certificate has been transferred by one another CB.
Tips and recommendations :
      • Only not expired valid or suspended certificates are published in the public list
      • The certificate will usually be visible on the applicable public list 1 hour after adding it on the Database
      • If the company’s scope statement covers more than one category, just tick as many categories as applicable by editing the certificate
Mistakes to avoid :
      • Do not use specific characters as: “,; in the scope description

1.1 Add / update a FAMI-QS certificate

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to add a FAMI-QS certificate, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field and click on “Filter”

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

5- Identify and click on the corresponding audit to open it

6- Click on “Certificates” in the left-hand side menu (bottom)

7- Click on “Add certificate”

8- Select the FAMI-QS – Code of practice V6 standard

9- Complete the fields:

  • Decision date
  • Initial issue date: the date at which the certificate was firstly issued in the same certification cycle.
  • Last update:
    • Same as Initial issue date in case of a new certificate
    • Date of change (e.g. scope) within the current certification cycle
  • Expiry date: In case of changes during the certification cycle, the expiry date will remain the same as in the first certificate for the same cycle.
  • Certificate status

10- “Save” (All other fields are retaken from the organisation page or the audit report)
11- Click on “Submit to Scheme Owner” to validate certificate data internally and submit it to FAMI-QS for validation (Validation by CB reviewer only)
12- FAMI-QS receives an automatic notification and is invited to validate the certificate
13- Once validated by FAMI-QS, certificate data are automatically published on the public list

Notes :
  • Only the following certificate data are published on the FAMI-QS public list:
    • Not expired certificates
    • Certificates validated by FAMI-QS
  • On the first page of the public list, only the “Valid” certificates are indicated in the counter, but the certificate list in the following page displays all the other certificate status as well (withdrawn, cancelled…)
  • The comment section of the certificate page within the database is only visible for CB and FAMI-QS (not on the public list)
  • In case the certificate is not accepted by FAMI-QS or contains any mistake it is unlocked by FAMI-QS and no more visible on the public list:
    • 1- Update the data on the Database
    • 2- Refresh the corresponding section
    • 3- Submit the new certificate to FAMI-QS
    • 4- Once the new certificate validated by FAMI-QS
  • Notification:
    • FAMI-QS will receive a notification when a new certificate has been proposed for validation.
    • In case FAMI-QS validates or unlocks a certificate, the CB super user and the CB user who submitted the certificate will receive an email notification.
    • In case a CB user unlocks a certificate, FAMI-QS will receive an email notification.
  • Multisite organisation: As soon as a not expired multisite certificate is validated by FAMI-QS:
    • Each site is visible in a specific line on the public list in addition to the main site
    • Subsites are marked with a red star
    • FAMI-QS number, Site name, city and country are retaken from the details of each site available in the organisation page
    • Status, Certified from, Expiry date are retaken from the main certificate that contains the sites
    • For each subsite, the invoice address published in the public list will be the same as the address of the subsite
    Tips and recommendations:
    Mistakes to avoid :
    • Forget to unlock the previous certificate in case of new certification cycle!

2. Edit a certificate

Instructions :

Proceed as follow to edit an existing certificate, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the search field and click on Apply

3- Open the organisation (by clicking on its name)

4- Click on “Certificates” in the left-hand side menu

5- Choose and open the corresponding certificate to edit

6- Click on “Edit”

7- Edit the corresponding fields

8- “Save”

Tips and recommendations:

It’s not possible to change the assigned standard of an existing certificate.

Mistakes to avoid:
      • FAMI-QS: forget to submit certificate to SO for validation

3. Refresh certificate data

Instructions :

Only applicable for specific certificates

This function allows to update a certificate by taking over certificate related data that have been changed either in the organisation page or in the audit folder.

Proceed as follow to edit/refresh the data of an existing certificate, starting from the left menu:

  • Click on “Organisations”
  • Enter the organisation name in the search field and click on Apply
  • Open the organisation (by clicking on its name)
  • Click on “Certificates” in the left-hand side menu
  • Choose and open the certificate to be edited/refreshed

To refresh data retaken from the organisation page, such as “Organisation name”, Address”, …:

  • Click on “Refresh organisation’s data”

To refresh data retaken from the audit folder, such as “scope”:

  • Click on “Refresh audit’s data”
Mistakes to avoid:
      • FAMI-QS: forget to submit certificate to SO for validation

4. Multi-site certificates

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to generate multisite certificates based on the same organisation and audit, starting from the left menu:

1 Add a new organisation or edit an existing organisation to add sites

2- In the section multisite organisation, enter the details for one site (Site number, Site name, Address…)

3- Click on “Add another site” to open a new section and enter the details for the second site (Site number, Site name, Address…) and proceed with adding all the sites

4- Save

5- Click on “Audits” in the left-hand side menu

6- Add the audit data

7- Click on “Certificates” in the left-hand side menu (bottom)

8- Click on “Add certificate”

9- Select the applicable standard(s) or scheme(s)

10- Complete all the fields and save

The details of all the sites will be visible in a section “Included sites” in the certificate

Tips and recommendations:
      • To edit the sites details in the certificate, first edit the organisation to adjust the sites data, then generate a new certificate

5. Delete a certificate

Instructions :

Proceed as follow to delete a certificate, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on Organisations

2- Enter the organisation name in the search field and click on Apply

3- Open the organisation (by clicking on its name)

4- Click on Certificates in the left-hand side menu

5- Chose and open the corresponding certificate

6- Click on “Delete”

7- Confirm


6. Renewal of Certificate in case of recertification

Instructions :

In case of recertification (certificate renewal), you can either (according to scheme owner instructions):

a) Create a new certificate with specific dates, or

b) Edit the existing certificate and change issue and expiry dates

7. Edit Certificate in case of suspension or withdrawal

Instructions :

Proceed as follow to edit a certificate in case of suspension or withdrawal, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Organisations”

2- Enter the organisation name in the filter field

3- Open the organisation

4- Click on “Certificates” in the left-hand side menu

5- Identify the corresponding certificate

6- Open the certificate

7- Click on “Edit”

8- Go to the bottom of the page

9- Adapt the certificate status following the case: tick box valid / suspended / withdrawn


      • For more information about the required rights to do this action, see: Roles and access rights
      • FAMI-QS certificates: in case of status change
        1. Unlock the certificate (if already validated by FAMI-QS)
        2. Update the status of the certificate
        3. Submit again the certificate to FAMI-QS for validation
Tips and recommendations :
      • It is better not to remove the company itself (unless data are lost), but to modify the corresponding certificate.

8. Transfer of a certificate from one CB to another

General :

For obvious confidentiality reasons ViaSyst is not allowed to transfer an organisation folder from one CB to the other.

Only the certified organisation, as report owner, can decide to share the previous report(s) with the new CB.

Instructions :
Certified organisation:

Login to the existing access within the former CB environment and download the report(s) to be shared with the new CB.

Require both the former and the new CB to follow the following instructions.

Former CB:

The former CB has to unlock (or cancel) the certificate (if the transfer is done in the course of a certification cycle)

New CB:

The new CB has to create a new certificate as follows:

1 – Add the organisation

2- Create a new audit

  • In audit folder, select the checklist “Pre-transfer review”
  • In the section “Details”, in the field audit type, select “Pre-transfer review”
  • and complete the following fields: “Activity”, “Single ingredients”, Mixtures”, “Formulation”, “Scope”

3- Create one certificate (linked to the audit previously created) following the instructions below:

  • Issue date”:enter the date at which the certificate has been issued by the new CB
  • “Valid until date”: enter the date of end of validity period entered previously by the former
  • Decision date”: enter the date at which the company was certified for the first time by the former CB
  • Status”select “valid”

4- Click on “Submit to Scheme Owner” to submit the certificate to FAMI-QS for validation

5- After validation by the Scheme Owner, the new certificate will be visible on the FAMI-QS public list


The former CB, the new CB and the certified organisation should operate the transfer in compliance with the scheme owner’s instructions

  • Former CB:After the certificate is transferred the former CB shall unlock or cancel the existing certificate (once the certificate will be unlocked, it will no more be visible in the public certificate directory)
  • New CB: Create a certificate with the status “valid”.

9. Extract Certificate’s data

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to extract certificate’s data, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Certificates”

2- Click on “Extract” available under the filter fields

3- The Excel Extract will automatically be downloaded

4- Save the file as “Excel File” (drop list in excel)

Notes :
      • The option “Extract” is available for all CB users but the content of the extraction is restricted to the organisations that are assigned to them
      • The Extraction is a simple way to browse in a unique file the list of all the certificates generated by the Certification Body on the Database: displays one line per certificate which contains all the details about certification such as: standards, scope, validity period, certificate status…

VII. Data management through Dashbords and CSV

1. Dashboards

Instructions :
Notes :
      • For each user within the CB the Dashboard is constructed only with the organisations assigned to him, i.e. a CB Admin with overall rights will have a Dashboard reflecting all organisations, and an auditor with 17 assigned organisations will have a Dashboard reflecting these 17 organisations
Tips and recommendations :
      • Click on the top right of each graph, to download, save, annotate or print the graph

2. CSV/Excel extracts for CB

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to extract CSV/Excel extracts, starting from the left-hand side menu:

1- Click on “Admin”

2- Select the type of CSV/Excel to extract in the left-hand side menu (audits, findings, certificates, qualification)

3- Click on the corresponding year

4- The CSV/Excel Extract will automatically be downloaded after few minutes (time depend on the number of audits)

5- Save the file as “Excel File” (drop list in excel)


  • CSV (comma-separated values) is text file that uses a comma to separate values. A CSV file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. The use of the comma as a field separator is the source of the name for this file format
  • Only CB Admin users have access to the “Admin” tab. For more information about the access rights, see:Roles and access rights)
  • The CSV/Excel extracts are a simple way to browse in a unique file the list of all the audits, findings, certificates generated by the Certification Body on the Database:
    1. Audits extraction: displays one line per audit which contains all the details of the audit folder. This CSV/Excel file is useful to find errors entered and to perform statistics, it also contains many useful information such as validation date, reviewer…
    2. Findings extraction: displays one line per finding, contain useful information such as requirements, interpretations, descriptions, time schedule for action. This CSV/Excel file is useful to obtain a global view on the finding, to make statistic and to compare the finding with the time schedule (if applicable)
    3. Certificates extraction: displays one line per certificate which contain all the details of the certificate of the CB such certificate status, certificate issue date, certificate expiry date. This CSV/Excel file is useful to obtain a global view on the entered certificates, to find errors and to do statistics.
    4. Qualification extraction: displays one line per qualification and per auditor. This CSV/Excel is useful to monitor auditor’s qualifications.
Tips and recommendations :
  • Normally, the fields are separated in columns. But it happens that some users obtain CSV extracts that display all data in a single column – which is not usable.
  • This is due to the separator defined in the settings due to Excel regional settings. The correct separator is “;” (semicolon).
  • To change the settings, proceed as follows: Start -> Control panel -> Region and language -> Additional Settings -> List separator field -> semicolon

3. Audits CSV extract for External users

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to extract CSV audits for External users, starting from the left menu:

1- Click on “Data management”

2- Select the CSV to extract in the left hand side menu

3- The CSV Extract will automatically be downloaded after few minutes (time depend on the volume of data)

4- Save the file as “Excel File” (drop list in excel)

Notes :
      • The Audits CSV is a simple way to browse, check and analyse in a unique file the content of all the audits related to the organisations assigned to you as external user. The Audits CSV displays one line per audit which contains all the details of the audit folder. Utilization: this CSV file is useful to perform data analysis and statistics
      • The Certificates CSV is a simple way to browse, check and analyse in a unique file the list of all certificates related to the organisations assigned to you as external user.Each certificate registered on the Database is displayed in a line so each organisation can be listed more than one time on the CSV if it is certified against more than one standard.
      • The Findings CSV is a simple way to browse, check and analyse in a unique file the list of all findings related to the organisations assigned to you as external user.Each finding registered in the Database is displayed in a line per audit, even if the finding is raised against more than one standard, it will be displayed in one unique line.
Tips and recommendations :
      • Normally, the fields are separated in columns. But it happens that some users obtain CSV extracts that display all data in a single column – which is not usable.
      • It is about the separator defined in the settings due to Excel regional settings.The correct separator is “;” (semicolon).To change the settings, proceed as follows :
        Start -> Control panel -> Region and language -> Additional Settings -> List separator field -> semicolon

VIII. Public lists

1. FAMI-QS Public list

Instructions :

Proceed as follows to publish a FAMI-QS certificate on the FAMI-QS public list:

1- Add an organisation

2- Add an audit based on the following standard: FAMI-QS – Code of practice V6

3- Add a certificate based on the following standard: FAMI-QS – Code of practice V6

4- Click on “Submit to Scheme Owner” to validate certificate data internally and submit it to FAMI-QS for validation (Validation by CB reviewer only)

5- FAMI-QS receives an automatic notification and is invited to validate the certificate

6- Once validated by FAMI-QS, certificate data are automatically published on the public list

Notes :
  • Only the following certificate data are published on the FAMI-QS public list:
    1. Not expired certificates
    2. Certificates validated by FAMI-QS
  • On the first page of the public list, only the “Valid” certificates are indicated in the counter, but the certificate list in the following page displays all the other certificate status as well (withdraw, cancelled…)
  • The comment section of the certificate page within the database is only visible for CB and FAMI-QS
  • In case the certificate is not accepted by FAMI-QS or contains any mistake it is unlocked by FAMI-QS and no more visible on the public list:
    1. 1- Update the data on the Database
    2. 2- Refresh the corresponding section
    3. 3- Submit the new certificate to FAMI-QS
    4. 4- Once the new certificate validated by FAMI-QS


  • FAMI-QS will receive a notification when a new certificate has been proposed for validation.
  • In case FAMI-QS validates or unlocks a certificate, the CB super user and the CB user who submitted the certificate will receive an email notification.
  • In case a CB user unlocks a certificate, FAMI-QS will receive an email notification.

Multisite organisation: As soon as a not expired multisite certificate is validated by FAMI-QS:

  • Each site is visible in a specific line on the public list in addition to the main site
  • Subsites are marked with a red star
  • FAMI-QS number, Site name, city and country are retaken from the details of each site available in the organisation page
  • Status, Certified from, Expiry date are retaken from the main certificate that contains the sites
  • For each subsite, the invoice address published in the public list will be the same as the address of the subsite
Tips and recommendations:
  • For updating certificates data: please refer to the section “Refresh certificate”
Mistakes to avoid :
  • Forget to unlock the previous certificate in case of new certification cycle!

IX. Videos demos

1. FAMI-QS Demo for auditors – start with ViaSyst from scratch

2. FAMI-QS Demo for auditors – Add and edit audit reports

3. FAMI-QS – Add certificates

4. ViaSyst offline for onsite auditing

5. ViaSyst presentation – use case

X. Roles and access rights

Various roles are necessary to fully operate a certification scheme. These roles are specified in the table below, with corresponding rights for each database module:

*only assigned organisations** certification decision maker

CB admin rights

The CB admin has the following rights:

      • Add, assign, delete all Organisations
      • Add, edit, delete Planification
      • Add, edit, delete all audit folders
      • Add, edit, delete all audit findings
      • Add, edit delete all certificates
      • Add, edit, delete auditor profiles and access and qualifications

Reviewer rights

The Reviewer has the following rights:

      • Add, edit, delete audit folders of the assigned organisations
      • Add, edit, delete audit findings of the assigned organisations
      • Add, edit delete certificates of the assigned organisations
      • Validate “Reviewer validation” the audit folders of the assigned organisations

Lead auditor rights

The Lead auditor has the following rights:

      • Add, edit, delete audit folders of the assigned organisations
      • Add, edit, delete audit findings of the assigned organisations
      • Validate “Lead auditor validation” the audit folders of the assigned organisations and for which he is assigned as a Lead auditor

Auditor rights

The Auditor has the following rights:

      • Add, edit, delete audit folders of the assigned organisations
      • Add, edit, delete audit findings of the assigned organisations