Upcoming ISO 22000 meeting in Ottawa
The ISO 22000 technical committee (TC34 SC17) will convene in Ottawa from 16 to 20 September. Two major projects will further processed: the ISO 22002 series restructuration and the ISO 22003 revision and extension
Based on the first draft elaborated over 2018 by Dr Didier Blanc, President of ViaSyst, the ISO 22002 series is going to evolve towards a common structure with common text for generic PRPs. Determining the extend of this common part will be the essential task of the WG 11 2nd meeting.
Regarding ISO 22003, the scope of the revision project has been extended to food safety systems (FSS) accredited under ISO 17065 in order that equivalent requirements apply to all FSSs, irrelevant whether they are accredited under ISO 17021 or 17065. Thus, the JWG 36 will be extended to new experts representing the product certification side.
Didier Blanc contributed to the informal subgroup that initiated and advocated this extension for the sake of consistency within schemes on the marketplace.
We will report on the achieved progresses in a next news, after the Ottawa meeting.
For any question or input regarding the above topics or the ViaSyst audit reporting software, please contact info@viasyst.com.
ViaSyst Team.