Process and share data thanks the ViaSyst audit management software
“Data is the oil of the 21st Century.” This is fully applicable to the audit & certification data managed by the ViaSyst audit management software, designed to make the CB back-office’s and auditor’s daily life more simple and light, but also to monitor and improve the CB’s efficiency and performance and to provide better services to certification clients.
The ViaSyst audit management software offers 2 main tools and approaches for data processing:
a) the ViaSyst CB Dashboard, with real time performance monitoring on key numbers and KPIs such as
- number of valid certificates compared to number of clients,
- number of audits within the last 12 months regarding number of clients,
- timeline between last 2 audits,
- time between audit and report validation
b) a full range of CSV extracts (or excel): e.g. Audits, Audit findings, Certificates, Auditors and qualifications, … These extracts can be used and processed at your convenience to:
- identify and complete missing data,
- monitor auditor’s qualifications,
- monitor the audit log of each auditor,
- analyze the number, type and clauses of findings raised by each auditor,
- scrutinize the clauses against which most of the findings are raised – and use this information for auditors’ training or clients’ support,
- classify and filter data by any internal criteria …,
- … and much more purposes.
For sharing the audit and certification data with your clients, the ViaSyst audit management software offers you as a CB all approaches you might have been wishing for simultaneously strengthen the control and save time:
- client’s secured access with login codes to the audit & certificate data,
- interactive action plan and completion follow-up for non-conformities,
- PDF printable versions of audit report and checklist, to hand over to thirds as necessary, as most certified organisations access their audit data & reports directly online.
Want to have more information about the ViaSyst audit management software or a demo?
Please contact:
ViaSyst Team.