EU Business Mentor Competence Certification Scheme
The aim of the project is to:
- facilitate mentoring and coaching techniques by development of the business mentor trainings set for relevant horizontal and vertical issues.
- prepare a solid basis for recognition of mentor qualifications: vocabulary, fundamentals and requirements for the mentor and certification bodies using the experience of ADINVEST and the guidance of EFCoCert.
Didier Blanc, ViaSyst managing director, participated in the project as EFCoCert Foundation President.
EU Business Mentor Competence Certification Scheme available
EU Business Mentor Competence Certification Scheme available EFCoCert participated within the Erasmus+ MentorCert project for developing
Business Mentor competence certification scheme comments on the final version
The consultation on the final draft of the Business Mentor competence certification scheme developed by EFCoCert
Final draft certification scheme circulated for comments
Final draft certification scheme circulated for comments Early May 2019, EFCoCert circulated the final draft Business
4th transnational meeting in Lausanne (CH)
4th transnational meeting in Lausanne (CH) The 4th consortium transnational meeting has been held in Lausanne
Project Partners
Main outputs
- Mentor level and Sector-based analysis
- Mentor training material
- Criteria of business mentor assessment
- Business mentor certification scheme (EFCoCert – ViaSyst)
Duration 01/10/2017 – 29/02/2020
For more information please visit the project website