Planification module now available on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform
As announced in our last newsletter, 2019 will be a year full of new modules and functionalities on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform.
And it’s already time to announce that the planification module is now available.
Plan your audits and audit program (or cycle – as required by ISO 17021) is very easy with this new module. The planned audits can be filtered by status (i.e. Targeted, Confirmed, Completed), date or assigned Auditors – and the dates and status can be adjusted along the concretization of the planning.
Each auditor will have a complete view with the planned audits assigned to him. By filtering by date, the auditor can have a global view of his planning over the time and identify any potential conflict.
Interested to see how it works? Please apply here for a free demo and trial on a real test environment which we can organize for you for free.
ViaSyst Team.