New module: findings list
We inform you that we implemented a new module on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform which is the Non-conformity manager. This module is accessible from the main left menu through the “Findings” tab where you have the list of the all the findings raised.
This findings list will help you to easily manage your client’s non-conformities by using the filtering options. It’s possible to filter by Organisation name, Standard, Grading, status of the findings.
The CB admin has an overview of all the findings linked to all the audits, and any other user has access to the list of findings linked to the the organisations assigned to him/her.
The same list is also accessible for the certified organisations. Each client will have access to the list of findings raised within only the organisation linked to his profile.
We hope this new functionality will ease your work on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform. Other functionalities will come soon!
ViaSyst Team