Need a partner specialized in competence certification for Erasmus+ applications

Are you planning or thinking about developing a training and/or competence certification for a specific job profile for the next March 2020 Erasmus+ call? EFCoCert is then probably the specialized expert you are looking for as a partner.

EFCoCert, a Swiss non-profit Foundation, participates as a recognized expert of ISO 17024 compliant competence certification schemes to several Erasmus+ KA2 projects dedicated to develop competence certification schemes. EFCoCert’s expertise is widely recognized by the applications’ evaluators, with comments such as:

“The Swiss partner (i.e. EFCoCert) is the only organization in Europe that develops European certifications schemes for persons that are ISO 17024 compliant.” Hungarian NA, 2017

“The participation of Swiss organizations (i.e. EFCoCert & ViaSyst) provides real added value to the project because of the special skills and knowledge that these organizations have owned in the past and can ensure a significantly higher quality regarding the results of the proposal.” Hellenic NA, 2018

Currently, EFCoCert is involved in projects developing competence certification schemes for the following job profiles:

  • WBL Mentor,
  • Business Mentor,
  • School Headmasters.

Already developed and operational schemes address CVET Trainers and Academic Tutors.

For the 2020 Erasmus+ call, EFCoCert is co-developing project ideas for various sectors or profiles such as:

  • Financial sector agents,
  • Volunteers’ skills,
  • E-learning trainer’s competences,
  • Driving mobility educators for disabled or elderly people,
  • Sustainable development competence within higher education,
  • School Headmasters.

Co-developing such ideas within a sector specialist and a competence certification expert is the best and most stimulating approach towards a successful application. So, if you see any need or opportunity within your specific field, don’t hesitate to contact

EFCoCert Foundation

Dr Didier BLANC, President