New module in the ViaSyst Audit Management Software

A new module has been added on the ViaSyst Audit Management Software, for managing multisite organizations and certificates.

The objective of this new feature is to simplify your work for the certificates that apply to a multisite organisation and for witch-ones you group all the sub-sites and link them to:

  • an unique audit report that covers all sub-sites
  • an unique certificate with the same content (scope, date, status) applicable for all subsites.

The procedure is the following (see also online user guide):
1- Add subsites in the section “Multisite organization” available on the organization page – button “add site” visible in “edit mode”
2- Add an audit linked to this organization and complete audit data (if not existing yet)
3- Generate a certificate linked to this audit. The list of all the sub-sites will be visible in a section “Included sites” in the certificate

As soon as the certificate will be validated by FAMI-QS, each subsite will be visible in a specific line in the FAMI-QS public list (marked with a red star) in addition to the main certificate. The only invoice address that will be displayed on the public list is the one that you indicated for the main site.

This new feature will give you the opportunity to save a lot of time for reporting and generating certificates.

If you already entered individually for each subsite reports and certificates for multisite organisations, we recommend you to switch to this new feature for the next audit for simplifying your work.

More details are available in the user guide

For any question, please contact