Last updates on the ViaSyst platform
We would like to infirm you that during the last days we implemented new features on the ViaSyst platform as follows:
1- Auditor qualification:
CB admin users, have now the possibility to access to a list of qualifications’ auditors. It will help you identify which auditor is qualified for which scope.
- A new list with the auditors qualifications is available for CB admins in the « CB users » tab that will facilitate auditors assignments and qualification.
- Possibility to search by scope, standard, user number, user first name…
- Facilitate auditors assignment to audits by using the qualification list with filters possibilities
2- Update audit folder status:
We created two new status for the audit folder, in order to indicate clearly if the audit was unlocked by the lead auditor or by the CB reviewer. It will
simplify the tracking if the status of the report is in progress or unlocked to request any change.
This will simplify the final validation follow-up of the report and the work of the auditors.
3- Adding client number column and filter in the organisation’s list:
The client number will be available in the organisation’s list for CBs and filters to facilitate organisation’s search.
We remain at your disposal if you have any question.