Import of organisations’ data to the ViaSyst audit reporting platform

In order to help you importing your FAMI-QS organisations’ data on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform, we implemented a new data importation module allowing you to generate all your FAMI-QS clients in one single batch on the ViaSyst platform.

We invite you to complete the attached excel file with your audited organisations data and return it to Please enter 1 organisation per line.

We will check the data entered within each file for consistency (format) and import them on your CB environment within the ViaSyst platform.

You will receive a confirmation email once all data will have been imported. All your FAMI-QS organisations will be visible on the “Organisations” tab. As soon as you’ll have received this confirmation, your FAMI-QS environment will be fully operational on the ViaSyst platform.

NOTE: only the organisation basic data will be imported, not the data of the audits performed previously and neither the certificate data. But we assume this will already significantly simplify your transition to the new FAMI-QS reporting requirements.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional information.

ViaSyst team.