Implementation of the Check-list tool

Seeking to continuously improve our Database, we recently implemented a new “Check-list” tool.

Starting point & Rationale

ViaSyst therefore developed a new “Check-list” tool that :

  • allows to report full audits,
  • offers an alternative way for entering audit findings,
  • gives a complementary and different overview of the audit outcome.

Implemented evolution or improvement

The new check-list is a very helpful tool that:

  • Before the audit, helps the auditors planning the audit, acts as a sampling plan and time manager, and ensures a consistent audit approach.
  • During the audit, serves as a memory aid and to ensure that the audit is conducted in a systematic, harmonized and comprehensive manner, and adequate evidence is collected.
  • After the audit, gives an overview about the organization performance in a single view and provides a mean of communication and a place to record data for use for future reference and for planning future audits.

Furthermore, the edition of the check-list on the platform will automatically increment the audit findings in the “Audit findings” page.

The check-list is available now for all users (Certification Bodies, Scheme owners, Groups, Retailers or clients…) that are looking for an easy way to manage their audits data, and will be available beginning of July for FSSC 22000 licensed Certification Bodies with the implementation of the FSSC 22000 V4 on the ViaSyst Database.

To save time by online audit reporting, the “OK” grading is assigned by default to all the clauses against which no non-conformity has been raised.

This means that the auditor only needs to edit the clauses against which he has findings, and that the database will automatically complete the rest of the check-list.

Implications & Recommendations

Detailed instructions on the use of the Check list are provided in the following item of the ViaSyst Instructions for use knowledge base:

ViaSyst Team.