How to generate substantial savings thanks the ViaSyst audit reporting platform?
Generate substantial savings thanks the ViaSyst audit reporting platform!
Generate substantial savings thanks the ViaSyst audit reporting platform!
Auditor: User-friendly platform Report edition: 1-2 h saved (data copied from previous audit) No data duplication (for reports directly submitted to clients) Combined audits on the platform: single finding writing Offline app for onsite auditing NC manager: NC completion follow-up interactive with clients E-mail alerts by any NC completion update Audit experience: automatically recorded Certification
The following features and options allow ViaSyst users to “feel home”: customised audit report specific notifications user’s logo user’s specific instance with custom domain name and corporate identity.
It covers all CB audit reporting and operations: auditor qualification & mandate workplan, audit programme & audit plan audit report CAPA & NC management maturity profile certificate editor performance monitoring dashboard & KPIs
A good audit management software addressing CBs needs shall: be available on the cloud as a SaaS, be designed and managed by peers for CB managers and auditors, be interactive with the clients for sharing reports and managing NC completion, allow easy users’ assignment and strict access control, cover all CB audit reporting and operations.