EU WBL Mentor competence certification – “great opportunity for me to reflect on my Mentoring knowledge and experience”

The EU WBL Mentor competence certification scheme developed by EFCoCert within the Erasmus+ #Mentor4WBL@EU project and operated on the ViaSyst platform is currently under pilot testing.

Here some encouraging comments received from one UK candidate having completed the examination:

  • “I don’t like on-line examinations and tests, but I found that the ViaSyst EFCoCert platform was intuitive to navigate,
  • the user guide provided was very useful and I couldn’t have completed to process without it,
  • on the whole I found that completing the ‘Prerequisites’ and the ‘Competences’ sections provided a great opportunity for me to reflect on my Mentoring knowledge and experience and I quite enjoyed both.”

Next step will be handing over the candidates’ folders to the examiners, which will assess them online on the ViaSyst platform.

For any question or information about the ViaSyst competence examination software or the EU WBL Mentor competence certification scheme, please contact either or

Florence Le LANN, ViaSyst Technical Director & Didier BLANC, EFCoCert President