ViaSyst audit management software Evolutions and New Features

ViaSyst audit management software Evolutions and New Features

The ViaSyst Audit Management Software is under constant evolution.

ViaSyst prioritizes the evolutions according to the clients’ needs. 10% of the regular fees are dedicated to generic evolutions, beneficiating all clients.

Custom developments are also offered for addressing clients’ specific or priority needs.

At ViaSyst, you construct and continuously improve your IT management tools in tight dialog with a partner perfectly aware of your daily business.

ViaSyst audit management software Evolutions and New Features:

Import of organisations’ data to the ViaSyst audit reporting platform

Import of organisations’ data to the ViaSyst audit reporting platform In order to help you importing your FAMI-QS organisations’ data on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform, we implemented a new data importation module allowing you to generate all your FAMI-QS clients in one single batch on the ViaSyst platform. We invite you to complete

Planification module now available on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform

Planification module now available on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform As announced in our last newsletter, 2019 will be a year full of new modules and functionalities on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform. And it’s already time to announce that the planification module is now available. Plan your audits and audit program (or cycle

Check-List module now available on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform

Check-List module now available on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform In the course of the continuous evolution of the ViaSyst audit reporting platform, the “Check-List” module is now available for all users. Irrelevant whether the CB or scheme owner decides to make it mandatory or not for all audits, the check-list tool is supporting

User’s management updates and implementation of a new Auditor qualification module

User’s management updates and implementation of a new Auditor qualification module In order to improve the management of users on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform, and to make the distinction between the roles of CB administrators and Auditors clear and visible, the “Auditors” tab have been reviewed and replaced by “CB users” tab. Moreover,

CSV Audits in addition to CB dashboard for CB performance monitoring

CSV Audits in addition to CB dashboard for CB performance monitoring After the CB Dashboard which has been deployed and announced last week, a new tool for helping CBs to stay on top of all challenges, and to make the audit and certification process as efficient as possible has now been implemented on the

CB Dashboard for real time performance monitoring

CB Dashboard for real time performance monitoring “Data are the oil of the digital economy” But stored data are useful and powerful only provided they are processed and analyzed, to trigger improvement and progress – and to keep all involved staff dedicated, motivated, focused. This is why, to help CBs to stay on top

New ViaSyst Database

New ViaSyst Database The ViaSyst database maintenance and data migration have been completed. Thank you for your patience and understanding! The maintenance was scheduled to ensure the data migration to the new database version and import all the data from the former platform. After months of hard work, we are proud to announce that

Transition to the new version of the ViaSyst Database

Transition to the new version of the ViaSyst Database A. Version upgrade and data migration From January 5th, 8 pm, to January 10th, 12 am, the ViaSyst IT team will implement the new version of the ViaSyst Database and migrate all existing data. During this process, the Database will be stopped, and access to

Management of auditor’s access rights

Management of auditor's access rights The management of the auditor’s access rights on the ViaSyst Database has been improved to give to the CBs the possibility to manage auditor’s access to the data entered easily. Starting point & Rationale The Database offers the possibility to CBs Administrators to share the various information available with

ViaSyst exclusive performance dashboard now in operation

ViaSyst exclusive performance dashboard now in operation Data users & decision makers need real-time concise, visual & comprehensive, data display for proceeding to their risk & assurance analysis and build trust throughout the supply chain. The new ViaSyst platform opens on an executive synthetic performance dashboard, tailored according needs of relevant users (e.g. scheme

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