Risk Based Auditing

Risk Based Auditing

Thinking risk-based, acting risk-based is applicable to many business and operational situations. Why not to audit?

Sure, the classical yearly surveillance or recertification cycle will stay, but it might adapt, thanks remote auditing approaches susceptible to bring some flexibility in the audit process, e.g. not everything at the same time, targeting key milestones or risky situations in the yearly cycle. The ViaSyst audit management software provides and will further develop tools and functionalities supporting an agile risk-based auditing approach.

New ISO 10009 in progress – Guidance for quality tools and their application

New ISO 10009 in progress - Guidance for quality tools and their application The vote on the 2nd committee draft (CD2) of ISO 10009 – “Guidance for quality tools and their application” just closed. In case of acceptance, the next stage will be preparing the DIS (draft international standard). Publication may be expected in

ViaSyst Audit Management Software supporting Risk-Based Auditing

ViaSyst Audit Management Software supporting Risk-Based Auditing Risk-based auditing is common in the context of internal or supplier audit but is a far less obvious approach within third party certification audit. However, certified organisations operate more and more mature management systems and expect with right more added value for their certification audits. But how

2021-10-22T09:01:04+00:00June 8th, 2020|Risk Based Auditing|
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