Offline Auditing APP

Offline Auditing APP

Onsite auditing goes more and more through tablets or smartphones or would like to. But there is often no connection down in the plants or outside in the fields.

ViaSyst developed an offline auditing App which gets around these hurdles, allowing the auditor to take notes in the checklist by typing or dictating through vocal recognition, attach pictures as evidence, sort out his findings for the closing meeting, and synchronise all that material with the database by return to connection. A true revolution in the auditor’s life!

A new era starts for auditors thanks ViaSyst-Offline, the onsite auditing App

A new era starts for auditors thanks ViaSyst-Offline, the onsite auditing App We dreamed about it, we promised it, we did it: ViaSyst-Offline is now available for onsite offline auditing. ViaSyst-Offline is the App revolutionizing the auditor’s day-life through: off-line onsite note taking on your smartphone or tablet with either typing or vocal recognition,

Revolution in the auditor’s life thanks ViaSyst onsite auditing APP

Revolution in the auditor’s life thanks ViaSyst onsite auditing APP Smartphones and tablets are no more future, they are daily reality. What is now very near future is using one’s smartphone instead of paper & pen by onsite auditing. Off-line. With vocal recognition, pics attachments, … … and all findings automatically sorted for the

2020-06-24T19:26:24+00:00May 9th, 2019|Offline Auditing APP|
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