ISO Meetings & News

ISO Meetings & News

Didier BLANC, ViaSyst founder and director, is actively involved since 2002 in various ISO technical committees in charge of the key standards operated on the ViaSyst SaaS, e.g. ISO 9001, 9004, 22000, 22002 series, 22003, 17021-1.

ViaSyst is happy to share this broad and long experience through newsletters with insider information and moreover through dedicated products and tools perfectly in line with ISO certification and accreditation requirements.

Approval for the ISO DIS 22003-1 and 22003-2

Approval for the ISO DIS 22003 part 1 & 2– Requirements for FSMS CBs ViaSyst actively contributes developing the key ISO standards for CBs using the ViaSyst audit management software (read more), e.g. ISO DIS 22003 part 1 & 2, for which the results of the parallel balloting of the DIS version are now

2022-03-23T14:26:20+00:00November 24th, 2021|ISO Meetings & News|

ISO 9001 User Survey Report available

ISO 9001 User Survey Report available The results of the ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems) User Survey conducted during 2020 are now available. A report summarizing the results of the ISO 9001 User Survey conducted during 2020 and the related infographic are now available to download. These results were one of the key items

2021-10-07T08:11:14+00:00September 21st, 2021|ISO Meetings & News|

DIS ISO 22003 part 1 & 2 circulated for comments

DIS ISO 22003 part 1 & 2 circulated for comments Since 2007, ISO 22003 is the complementary set of requirements applicable for CBs providing food safety management system certification under ISO 17021 accreditation. In parallel to the current ISO 22003 revision, it has been decided to develop an ISO 22003 part 2 aiming to

2021-10-06T10:01:54+00:00September 1st, 2021|ISO Meetings & News|

ISO & IAF Survey on remote auditing – Closing date 8 August 2021

ISO & IAF Survey on remote auditing – Closing date 8 August 2021 Remote auditing is now part of the daily reality, and the ViaSyst audit management software has been consolidated for performing robust and reliable remote audits. As an expert involved in ISO TC 176 (9001, 9004) and CASCO (17021, 22003) standardisation activities

2021-10-06T10:02:04+00:00July 22nd, 2021|ISO Meetings & News, Remote Auditing|

Good progresses within ISO 22003 part 2

Good progresses within ISO 22003 part 2 3 zoom sessions ending May 2021 have been dedicated to work on the future ISO 22003-2 that will bring ISO 17065 accredited food safety schemes at a harmonised requirement level with ISO 17021-1 + 22003-1 schemes. 30+ experts among which 10 major schemes, GFSI, industries, CBs and

2021-06-10T09:36:58+00:00June 10th, 2021|ISO Meetings & News, Webinars|

ISO published the revised Annex SL – the common framework for any MS standard

ISO published the revised Annex SL – the common framework for any MS standard Annex SL is the code name for the common structure and text applicable to any ISO management system standard (MSS) – which has been adopted by almost all concerned standards like 9001, 14001, 22000, 27001, 45001, … The previous (and

2022-05-20T07:53:28+00:00May 25th, 2021|ISO Meetings & News|

To revise or not to revise ISO 9001?

To revise or not to revise ISO 9001? A ballot has been established in March 2021 on the ISO Committee Internal Ballot (CIB) portal to decide if ISO/TC 176/SC2 P-members will accept the recommendations: to “confirm” ISO 9001:2015 at this time, and to establish a project at the Preliminary stage to examine if an

2021-05-17T16:27:31+00:00May 17th, 2021|ISO Meetings & News|

ISO 22003-2 good progresses and decisions on key issues

ISO 22003-2  good progresses and decisions on key issues The 8th meeting on 22003 revision has been held on Zoom the 29th, 30th and 31st of March, with around 35 attendants from all 5 continents. The meeting was dedicated to deal with the 715 comments received on the committee draft (CD) of 22003-2  the

2021-04-08T10:59:37+00:00April 8th, 2021|ISO Meetings & News|

ISO 9001 Systematic Review Outcome: 34 “Confirm”, 31 “Revise”

ISO 9001 Systematic Review Outcome: 34 “Confirm”, 31 “Revise” According to ISO rules, each ISO standard shall undergo a systematic review 5 years after publication. Aim of the review is to have a broad consultation within users for determining whether the standard shall be confirmed (without changes), revised or withdrawn – whereby each participating

2021-07-22T08:26:18+00:00December 17th, 2020|ISO Meetings & News|

The ISO 22003-2 project goes for a committee draft (CD)

The ISO 22003-2 project goes for a committee draft (CD) As a reminder, the 22003-2 project (see figure below, captured during the opening of the last September meeting) aims to make the 17065 / 22003-2 binomen equivalent to the 17021-1 / 22003-1, ensuring transparency and confidence within food safety systems certification users. Didier Blanc,

2021-01-05T10:24:13+00:00December 7th, 2020|ISO Meetings & News|
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