EU Projects

EU Projects

ViaSyst is actively involved within EU funded Erasmus+ projects in which the essential expertise and know-how of dematerialising certification processes that ViaSyst acquired allow to operate competence certification schemes remotely and sharing these schemes with affiliated CBs worldwide.

These developments are also essential for enriching the ViaSyst SaaS with modules and functionalities beneficiating to the audit management software or the e-learning platform.

Final draft certification scheme circulated for comments

Final draft certification scheme circulated for comments Early May 2019, EFCoCert circulated the final draft Business Mentor competence scheme for comments within the scheme experts committee. The received comments will be dealt with by the end of June so that the pilot testing of the scheme can be organised.

2020-06-08T11:45:00+00:00May 5th, 2019|EU Projects|

4th transnational meeting in Lausanne (CH)

4th transnational meeting in Lausanne (CH) The 4th consortium transnational meeting has been held in Lausanne (CH), organised by EFCoCert & ViaSyst the 24-25 April 2019 Robust discussions allowed partners to reach consensus on the methodology to apply for drafting the certification scheme and on key issues raised by the first experts’ comments round. After

2020-06-08T12:15:47+00:00April 24th, 2019|EU Projects|

2nd transnational meeting in Kenilworth (UK)

The 2nd consortium transnational meeting has been held in Kenilworth (UK), organised by C4FF the 10-11 April 2019 The meeting allowed to validate the IO1 (WBL Mentor’s job profile), dedicated to serve as input to the other outcomes: course curriculum, competence matrix, certification scheme. Robust discussions allowed partners to reach consensus on the methodology to

2020-05-20T10:50:30+00:00April 10th, 2019|EU Projects|

First draft competence matrix circulated

By the end of February 2019, EFCoCert circulated the first draft WBL Mentor competence matrix for comments within the scheme experts committee. The matrix has been constructed according to the Deming PDCA cycle, by integrating the competences derived from the preliminary research of IO1 on WBL Mentors tasks and requirements throughout EU. The received

2020-05-20T10:51:28+00:00February 23rd, 2019|EU Projects|

Launch of the project’s website

The official #Mentor4WBL@EU website ( has been launched on May 27th 2019. The site proposes a project presentation, a short summary on project partners, first project results, and news and photo galleries related to the meetings. It will be regularly updated according to the project’s progresses.

2020-05-20T10:48:39+00:00January 23rd, 2018|EU Projects|

EFCoCert participates to the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership MENTORCERT project

EFCoCert participates to the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership MENTORCERT project EFCoCert will participate between Nov 2017 and Oct 2019 in a new European ERASMUS+ project: MENTORCERT. The project proposal has been accepted by the Hungarian National agency in July 2017. This European project will be coordinated by the Budapest Business School The MENTORCERT project has been

2020-05-28T09:33:30+00:00July 17th, 2017|EU Projects|

The EFCoCert European trainer certification is registered on the French CNEFOP certification list.

The EFCoCert European trainer certification is registered on the French CNEFOP certification list. The "EFCoCert European Certification for Trainers" is now recognised by the French CNEFOP as satisfying the Decree of 30 June 2015 on the Quality of training Thanks to this recognition, the French independent trainers holding the EFCoCert European Certification for Trainer benefit

2020-05-28T09:37:18+00:00June 6th, 2017|EU Projects|
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