The consultation on the final draft of the Business Mentor competence certification scheme developed by EFCoCert within the Business Mentor Erasmus+ project just finished.
The 54 experts from 12 countries in 3 continents involved in the scheme experts’ committee raised 29 new comments, essentially editorial and mainly addressing the wording within the competence matrix. (The previous draft stage did receive 178 comments which had been dealt with to prepare the final draft.)
But the experts also sent laudatory general comments on the Business Mentor scheme, such as:
- “This is an incredible achievement, most of which I am happy to support.” (T. Wall, UK)
- “Even if it seems tedious at first glance, this document is very well done and will be very useful
to the profession so congratulations for the work done.” (S. Ferreira, FR) - “No comments, material really prepared.“ (W. Fabrycka, PL)
- “Congratulations to the work you have done.” (P. Csizmadia, HU)
Such comments acknowledge both the value of the project’s management, objectives and outcomes
and EFCoCert’s professionalism and expertise of in applying ISO standardization best practices to the
development of competence certification schemes.