The ViaSyst audit management software supports Scandinavian – and any language!

“We are happy to announce our collaboration with ViaSyst, who supplies leading software solutions for managing audit performance” posted Scandinavian Certification last week after a successful and exceptionally quick implementation of their CB operations on the ViaSyst audit management software (SaaS), including successful activation of the Scandinavian language.

Alexander H. Pisani, managing director at Scandinavian Certification AS: “ViaSyst is developed with explicit knowledge of audit management and the requirements that regulates accredited services. Both parties have small and efficient organizations focusing on customer needs and how to satisfy them and collaborates verry good. We are looking forward to harvest all the opportunities the ViaSyst software identifies, and further increase the quality of our services”

Harald Schjølberg, technical manager at Scandinavian Certification AS: “ViaSyst was one of several possible suppliers and solutions we evaluated. We found that the software, and the verry important dialogue, was so good, that in the end the choice was easy. ViaSyst flexibility makes it easy to adopt to suit our operations (vs. adapting processes to support the software). This makes it possible to retain our organisational and operational strengths while improving our overall performance. Excellent support from ViaSyst, software logic and good user interfaces reduces the need for timely training of staff and have made it possible to have a timeline from contract to go-live in 6 weeks”.

Ready to explore and experience how the ViaSyst audit management software can streamline your processes and workflows, and boost your efficiency?

Just apply for a free demo.

See you soon on Zoom or ViaSyst.

ViaSyst Team