Transition to the new version of the ViaSyst Database
A. Version upgrade and data migration
From January 5th, 8 pm, to January 10th, 12 am, the ViaSyst IT team will implement the new version of the ViaSyst Database and migrate all existing data.
During this process, the Database will be stopped, and access to the Database will not be possible. Once the maintenance and migration completed, you will access the new Database. As soon as available, you will receive an email with all necessary instructions and explanations.
Please accept our apology for any inconvenience you experience during the maintenance period, whereby, in order to minimize perturbations, we intentionally chose this period where most of you usually have holidays.
B. New design and functionalities
The new Database design will be modern, with a more intuitive and user-friendly navigation, responsive on different types of devices (e.g. computer, tablets).
This new design has been developed with the help of a specialized web designer, focusing the improvement and readability of navigation ergonomics, and simplification of the user interface and some features.
Together with the most recent software and security updates, this new look is just a part of many novelties, as we are also preparing the integration of:
- a comprehensive Dashboard which will allow CBs to monitor their performance,
- a full report, which interested CBs will be able to share with their clients, also for other schemes than FSSC (e.g. ISO 9001, 14001, 22000), and
- an action plan and non-conformity manager, interactive with the certified organizations.
The new Database will allow Data entering for FSSC 22000 audits, either online or through the tag file.
For any question, please contact
ViaSyst Team.