CSV Audits in addition to CB dashboard for CB performance monitoring

After the CB Dashboard which has been deployed and announced last week, a new tool for helping CBs to stay on top of all challenges, and to make the audit and certification process as efficient as possible has now been implemented on the ViaSyst audit reporting platform: the CSV audits for CBs.

What is the CSV audit?

The CSV audit is a data extraction providing a simple way to process and analyze in a unique file the data of all audits created by the Certification Body on the ViaSyst Database.

Each audit registered on the ViaSyst Database is displayed in a line.

How can the ViaSyst CSV audits extract support CB’s performance management?

All audit related data are 100% available for analysis, for you as CB.

You can use the CSV audits regularly for instance to:

  • Identify missing audits or missing data within audits
  • Verify that all audits are validated
  • Follow the number of audits performed by each auditor per year
  • Classify the audits by country, city, standards, audit type…

How can you get the CSV audit?

If you have a CB admin access to the ViaSyst Platform, you will find the CSV audit available through the “Admin” menu.

Otherwise, you can apply for access to the navigable demo, by clicking here.