3rd transnational meeting in LAUSANNE (CH)
The 3rd transnational meeting has been held in Lausanne, on the lakeside, hosted by ViaSyst & EFCoCert.
The meeting has been very successful, at almost half-way in the project for aligning all partners on a common understanding of the next crucial steps (i.e. pilot testing of both the WBL Mentor training and certification scheme) and tightening the links between partners.
The preparation of the interim report was also on the agenda.
The consortium decided to extend the consultation round of the last version of the certification scheme for 2 additional weeks in order to give more time to the involved experts to comment.
The updated version which will be drafted based on the received comments will be key
for focusing both the training and the certification and exam process.
The Gantt chart has been slightly adjusted, but all IOs will be delivered on time.